From Making Magic to Changing Lives: Transforming Leadership and Revolutionizing Organizations

For the record, this was from an accidental encounter with an over zealous dog but I guess we can count that as a toxic relationship for the sake of this post.

Do you know of someone in your life that is a part of a toxic relationship? The relationship could be anything from a friendship, a marriage or even a working partnership. I’ll admit that in my past I seemed to be drawn to all the wrong people and had more than my fair share of toxic relationships. I was the classic girl who was drawn to the guys that were always the wrong kind for me. Sometimes I was even drawn to the friendships that were all wrong for me as well.

The hardest part of a toxic relationship is acknowledging that it is indeed bad for you. Is the relationship full of mind games, hurtful accusations, violent arguments, and generally causing you unhappiness? Then it’s time to stand up for yourself and your well being before it’s too late. I discussed in my last post about the importance of knowing that you control your own destiny and this is one of the most important examples of such. The only way you can be a part of a relationship that is toxic to your life is by allowing yourself to stay a part of it and letting yourself still be connected to the other individual.

It was just in the last few years that I realized I needed to eliminate people from my life who only cause me pain in any and all forms of it. It has allowed me to reconnect with those who really are good for me and allow me to have healthy relationships. It meant I had to cut several people out of my life, but it only strengthened the relationships that were mutually positive for both parties involved.

Now, if you’re the type of person who finds relief in knowing your friends list is in the thousands then this might be an almost impossible realization to come to. For those of you who are like me, I find that I will take quality over quantity any day and have been more than happy to cut back my relationships to only those that count. This one step forward in my life cut out more frustration and angst than any other choice I was faced with. It is an important one to consider and one I wish I would have done many years ago for my own sanity. As each day goes by I now know that it is filled with fun, positive and healthy relationships that will produce fond memories I can cherish for the rest of my life.

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  1. That looks incredibly painful! I hope it heals soon.
    The hardest thing, for me, about toxic friendships is really cutting ties with them and being firm about it. Once you realize that they are toxic, it should be so easy to remove them from your life, and yet…

    1. That’s so true Jess, but if you keep reflecting on how toxic they are in your life it tends to make it easier to cut ties.

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