21st Century Gal

Offer Accepted!

I’m so very proud to say that we’re one step closer to home ownership.  This has been one long process that started back in March of this year, but we knew we were going to have to be patient since we were taking our chances with a short sale.  Finally the bank has formally accepted our offer and we will be closing on our house the first week of October.  It’s taken a while to get to this point, but I’m glad we waited it out and now can see the light at the end of this process.

Looking ahead I’m so very excited that we will be able to spend the holidays in our new house.  It’s going to be a great opportunity to have everyone over and so I’m hoping that we can pull it all together in time for Thanksgiving.  Our parents passed the torch a few years ago and we have hosted the holidays since.  It’s hard to make others cook for Thanksgiving when I spend most of the year dreaming about the amazing turkey that my boyfriend smokes.  I’m telling you what, it’s the best turkey I think I’ve ever experienced in my entire life (sorry mom).  In the last few years we’ve all started a new tradition that I have come to really look forward to.  Everyone cooks a small piece of the puzzle and it later gets assembled on the table.  We handle the turkey, mashed potatoes and homemade apple pie while the parental units supply the green bean casserole, candied yams, and any other sides that would make your mouth water.  Okay, now that I made myself hungry I think it’s time to move onto another holiday.

Last year I tried to step up my Christmas decorating just a bit more at the rental we’re at, but I’m looking forward to finally being able to put a plan into place for a place that is more permanent.  We’ve been in our townhouse for a little over two and a half years.  Each year our Christmas decorations grew a bit more, but they never quite fit the space we were in.  The tree we were using was my mom’s old tree and it’s been much too large for the townhouse.  Now we’ll finally have a space that actually makes it look small again.

I know there is more space and that leads to more places to vacuum dog hair from, but I’m okay with that.  There is something special about knowing that each of those furry crevices are yours due to all of your hard work over the years.  I’m looking forward to being able to paint walls and not worrying about having to repaint them back when we leave.  It will be exciting to finally have “big kid” furniture.  As much as we love our Ikea showroom, it’s definitely starting to show signs of wear and tear.  This adventure into homeownership will definitely be exciting, scary and insightful.  Here’s to hoping hurricane season will be kind to us for the remaining part of this year so we don’t celebrate our new house with tarps everywhere.

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