21st Century Gal

Time For A Challenge

Despite the gloomy weather surrounding me, I’ll keep on smiling and pushing through the battle of each day with Fibro.

This year I’ve decided to not let my Fibro hold me back from experiencing new physical challenges.  I’m hoping to get another half marathon in at some point, but I also want to find new things to conquer.  There should be a part of my brain that is telling me that I can’t take on new challenges physically due to the pain, but I’ve just decided that I’m not letting the Fibro rule my life EVERY day.  Yes, there are some days where I will have no choice but to give in and accept that I’m different then those who are perfectly able.  However, I’m just not going to assume that I can’t do something until I give it a shot.

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear but the triumph over it.” – Nelson Mandela

I’ve been intrigued by those that rock climb, but after my diagnosis figured that I would never be able to experience it for myself.  Well, to be frank, that was stupid of me.  Why the hell couldn’t I experience it?  I’m not wheelchair bound permanently and I’m refusing to give up the incredibly active lifestyle I used to lead.  Therefore, I bit the bullet and conquered not only my fear of heights but also my Fibromyalgia for one short morning.

The friend that took my for my first experience knew he would be exposing me to something I’d never done before and that I had a fear of heights.  After sharing his fear of heights, as well and coaching me up my first rock wall, I’m sure he thought that the highlight of my day was just doing something new for a change.  If only he knew that for one brief morning I got to feel like I was normal again.  Just like everyone else, my only challenges were related to seeing a problem and being able to fix it so I could move forward…or up in this case.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela

I had a blast that day and would do it again in a heart beat.  I paid the price that evening, but it was totally worth it to feel like everyone else for just a few short hours. I wasn’t horrible and I wasn’t the best, but I’m completely okay with just having tried it and knowing that it is now possible. My husband still has yet to try it, so we’ve discussed what it would take to get him out there to try it as well.  2014 is looking up and I believe it is just because I’m not allowing the Fibro to get the best of me.  This is the year I take the control back in physical side of my life.

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