21st Century Gal

This Little Piggie…

It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten a traffic ticket of any type, but this is definitely something for me to file away in my memory bank in case I do have to pay a ticket one day in the future.  This masterful mind decided to pay his $137.00 traffic by taking 137 $1.00 bills and folding them into paper pigs.  Just when I think he couldn’t make his statement any more insulting, he decided the only appropriate way to deliver the payment would be to put all 137 $1.00 pigs into two Dunkin’ Donuts boxes.  Check out the video of the whole transaction for a good laugh.

Photo Credit: Imgur
Photo Credit: Imgur
Photo Credit: Imgur

Needless to say, his little statement wasn’t well received with the cashier who refused to unfold all the bills to process his payment.  After a bit of arguing over the subject, an officer had the man unfold the bills so that the cashier could take his payment.  At least the statement was original and for those who have a sense of humor it was something to laugh about for the day.  In the end, both the cashier and the officer took photos of the pigs before the transaction was completed.  When he gentlemen unfolded the bills he left just one still in its pig formation and let the cashier know that he had a name and was the sole survivor which received at least a small smile from the cashier.  I’m sure that was one heck of a story to be able to share around the dinner table that evening.

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