21st Century Gal

The Choice is Yours

Ironic that two years to the day I last posted, I woke up today with a fire lit under my butt to return to you all.  There’s no good excuse for my absence.  Life got in the way and something had to give.  While I thought balancing multiple jobs with one little one was hard, I had no idea what I was in store for when we were surprised with a second.  (Spoiler alert…PCOS symptoms can indeed be reversed by a Keto lifestyle and lead to a second bundle of joy despite doctors saying it would never be possible without their help again.)  


I’ll save you the cliff notes of the past two years at this point and instead jump right to the point.  Did you get to see this morning’s GMA interview with Paige Winter?  If not, stop right now and WATCH!  While many days I feel like I’m failing the Mom of the Year contest, I pray that our boys grow up to be as inspiring as this remarkable 17 year old who suffered a shark attack off the coast of North Carolina at the beginning of this month.  She not only survived it but still has the most moving outlook on life.  Paige inspired me to remember that each day is determined by how you choose to walk through the moment you encounter along the way. 

“When you rise in the morning, nearly half of your day will be determined by the patterns you’ve either intentionally created or passively allowed.” – Brad Lomenick 

Do I like mornings?  That’s a hard no, but I also know that getting up at 5 AM means I’ll get my workout in and hopefully be able to start getting ready for work a bit before the kids wake up.  Would I rather the extra sleep?  Of course, however I also know that then I’ll spend the rest of my day in a permanent state of being reactive instead of being able to be proactive as I’ll always be running behind.  The choice is mine each day and Paige definitely reminded me that I have no excuse to not make the right decision. 

Thank you for your profound insight on life this morning Paige.  I’m hoping to take a page out of your dad’s book and raise kids as noteworthy as you.  Now, it’s time for the rest of us to get our rear in gear and adopt your positivity each day.  Best of luck in your healing process ahead and I hope to see you turn this experience into a way to help others in the future. 

To donate to Paige’s recovery costs and hopefully a rocking prosthetic that matches her awesome attitude visit: https://www.gofundme.com/359hr-prayers-for-paige. 

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