21st Century Gal

Help Me Help You

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 10 years since I started this writing journey during one of the roughest times in my life. At the time my career was briskly moving forward and my personal life was falling apart because of it. That’s when I really started noticing that the societal standards for guys and gals were still unequal and the pressures for making sacrifices was often on women.

Unfortunately, here I find myself a few months away from that 10 year mark and an equal playing field is still being worked on for guys and gals in life as much as in the workforce. One thing is for sure, I’m still taking my experiences and sharing them with you in hopes that it can help you stand tall and keep your crown held high in everything you do. This last decade has taught me so much in life, business, and learning to proudly stand in my stilettos unafraid to stand up for what’s right.

Let me help you during this rough time time.

It seems that every where I look right now I find someone near and dear to my heart that’s on furlough or has been laid off. I’ve spent the last few months helping in resume refreshes, mock interviews and presenting leadership webinars for soon-to-be graduates and those looking to advance their careers. It suddenly dawned on me that, while each of those experiences has been helpful to others, I’ve mistakenly left you all out of the opportunities for growth. Seeing as how you’ve all joined me on this adventure for so long it just seems unfair.

Starting in the coming weeks I’ll be breaking down my presentations and personal coaching sessions in digestible tidbits like this for your enjoyment and (hopefully) use. I’ve always kept it real for you all, so you’re guaranteed that won’t be changing and I’d love to hear from you. What can help you right now? Leave me your thoughts, needs, and ways I can help you get through this rough time.

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