Acquiring blog readers is hard. Simple as that. At times, the vast technological universe that many of us partake in can make it difficult to attract those that are the …
Move Over Nappytab ‘Cause We’re Coming For You
Back in the day I posted about the “Coffee Compatibility” I have with my boyfriend. Over the last two and a half years I’ve learned there is much more that …
Has Anyone Seen My Timeline?
It’s no secret that going through a divorce screws up any preplanned timeline you may have had for yourself. If you are a list person, much like I am, then …
Stalking Isn’t Always Such A Bad Thing
It is so easy to find people online nowadays. With multiple search engines and many different social networks, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that everyone has some …
It’s Called “High Efficiency” For A Reason
Reinventions are good. Think of how far we have come with some standard items that have been reinvented through the years. Washing our clothes has gone from a rock and a …