Looking back at the last 3.5 decades of my life, it’s hard to see any block of years as anything other than impactful in the grand scheme of things. Marriage, divorce, job changes, new relationship, …
Celebrate True Friends
It’s been a year of reminders about how precious the gift of life is and it’s given me time to reflect. About ten years ago I went through one of …
____ is Hard
For years I’ve discussed with a friend of mine about how the next generation seems to have trouble adulting. If they have to offer Adulting 101 classes for the next …
The Fault is My Own
Admitting you need to make a change is hard. Admitting that the blame is only on you is even harder. As I go through this journey of discovering who I …
5 Times Your Partner Will Shock You
He starts as the guy you spot across the room that makes you immediately smile or maybe he even approached you with a witty greeting that left you unable to …