How do you not use a coupon when you purchase things? Last month for my birthday my amazing boyfriend surprised me with my dream trip to Wrigley Field. I was …
Do You Have A Permit To Use That iPod?
Okay loud talkers, you know who you are and it’s time that you start realizing that the whole world doesn’t want to be a part of your conversation. It first started with …
The Holiday Even Hallmark Won’t Touch
It was just last week at work that someone asked “what are people celebrating nowadays?” Of course many people gave the usual answers such as birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations. However, …
“It’s Hip to be Square”…And Apparently Now Overly Confident And Pompous
This week’s blog is more of a “trend of the week” kind of experience. In the last week I have gone through several moments that left me wondering when it …
Maybe Men Should Ask “What Would The Fonz Do?”
I have watched multiple forms of technology evolve over my life span. From computers to gaming systems, and even the electronics offered within a vehicle, technology keeps changing each day and …