People all over the globe save, sometimes for years, to make a trip to the happiest place on earth. I remember that fact hitting me deep both times I went …
The End of Another Decade
Looking back at the last 3.5 decades of my life, it’s hard to see any block of years as anything other than impactful in the grand scheme of things. Marriage, divorce, job changes, new relationship, …
Unspoken Truths of the 4th Trimester
When I was pregnant with our firstborn I was flooded in a sea of unsolicited advice from family, friends and even complete strangers. There was so much information that I …
It’s About Delivery
From family members to employees, the trick to mastering effective communication is all about choosing the right form of delivery for the person you’re speaking with. Most of my family …
Things I Now Say
When I thought of one day having a successful career, husband and children I never thought that would include saying things like, “please don’t lick the dog” and “take your finger out of your brother’s …