Today’s topic in the spotlight is how it really is a small world after all. The world of entertainment seems so massive at times, until you hope to not cross paths …
My Mother; The Blogging “Expert”
Acquiring blog readers is hard. Simple as that. At times, the vast technological universe that many of us partake in can make it difficult to attract those that are the …
Move Over Nappytab ‘Cause We’re Coming For You
Back in the day I posted about the “Coffee Compatibility” I have with my boyfriend. Over the last two and a half years I’ve learned there is much more that …
What A Bright Idea!
SkillCloud? No, I didn’t just slam my head on my keyboard and have auto-correct decide my opening line. I meant to write exactly that. I thought iCloud was awesome until …
Fibro Friends Unite!
Calling all Fibromyalgia sisters and brothers! I’ve got questions and I’m hoping you have answers. How many of you work in a full-time, part-time or from an “at home” capacity? Each …