Although I feel like one of the remaining few that never jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon, I can still see the potential value in owning an invisibility cloak. I mean, …

From Making Magic to Changing Lives: Transforming Leadership and Revolutionizing Organizations
From Making Magic to Changing Lives: Transforming Leadership and Revolutionizing Organizations
From Making Magic to Changing Lives: Transforming Leadership and Revolutionizing Organizations
Although I feel like one of the remaining few that never jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon, I can still see the potential value in owning an invisibility cloak. I mean, …
People all over the globe save, sometimes for years, to make a trip to the happiest place on earth. I remember that fact hitting me deep both times I went …
Divorce used to be one of those subjects that was considered taboo to discuss but, with the growing popularity of us all knowing someone or being the one that’s experienced …
Everyone needs that one friend. You know the one I’m talking about. Some call them their “ride or die,” but I call mine the one that “hides the body.” In …
Do you lose your temper when you feel frustrated? Do you struggle to build a genuine rapport with others? Do you use active listening when people are speaking with you? …