21st Century Gal

You’re Setting The Example

Drama can spread quickly in the workplace if you have those who like to, let’s say, spread the wealth of misery.  If the drama is at your level or above you then it is best to stay out of it.  If it is something ongoing within the team that is working for you then it is something you’ll need to address right away to keep it from getting out of control.  The best way to ensure the antics are kept to a minimum is by not needlessly creating any drama of your own.  Oddly enough that is a great way to keep things to a minimum.

As a manager it’s important to remember that your colleagues and employees are watching the example you’re setting.  If you cause drama then others around you begin to think that it is an appropriate thing to do.  Likewise, if they see that you don’t know how to step down off of your soap box, talk it out so you can correct the problem, shake hands and move on then they aren’t likely to exhibit any of these traits in their daily life at work either.

Photo courtesy of: Nova.edu
Photo of Dr. Betrice Berry courtesy of: Nova.edu

I had the opportunity to hear an amazing speaker recently.  Dr. Betrice Berry might be one of the most engaging keynotes I’ve have the pleasure of witnessing and I highly recommend that you see her speak if you are every given the chance.  I can tell you right now that it won’t matter what the topic at hand she is speaking about because either way you won’t be sorry you got to see her.  She had a quote that so perfectly sums up what most of the workplace drama I’ve witnessed within the last year all came down to:

“The bigger the attitude, the bigger the insecurity.” – Dr. Betrice Berry

She’s so right.  The moment she said it I had one of those “should have had a V8” forehead slapping moments.  Deep down behind that attitude is someone who is secretly so insecure about the situation that they get defensive, combative and at times downright mean because they don’t know how else to handle things.  This leads to all kinds of drama in the workplace, but now that you know the key to what is really starting it you can get to the root of the issue and squash it before it spreads throughout your team.

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