21st Century Gal

Walk on the Wild Side

Those closest to me know that change makes my palms sweat and so in most areas of my life I tend to be a creature of habit. I’ve only had the courage to change my hair a handful of times in my 36 years and it’s most often been under the trained hands of a stylist. It’s hard to believe but I’ve been dying my hair darker than it naturally grows out of my head for almost two decades. When I decided to ditch my straightener and embrace my natural waves earlier this year I also started looking for an alternative way to color my hair without damaging it. Well, the algorithms of FB obviously heard my internal thoughts because suddenly I was inundated by ads for oVertone coloring conditioners. *If you choose to purchase anything through the provided link then I earn points for discounts on my future purchases.*

It took me a month of watching their videos and reviews, but I finally worked up the nerve to place my order and then paced around wondering if I’d made the right decision. A few days later the package arrived and the minute I opened it I knew there was no going back. My only choice was to dive in head first, no pun intended, and give it a shot. Well, let me just say that this definitely wasn’t the worst decision I’ve ever made. While the color wasn’t spot on with what I had in mind, it was still gorgeous and it gave me a jumping off point for what I was going to do the next time.

Trying out 2 parts extremes purple and 4 parts extremes red

I think I’ve finally found the right mix in colors to achieve what I was in search of and the best part is how healthy my hair feels. I already was doing a deep conditioning treatment for my hair to keep my waves from getting too dry, so replacing that with the oVertone deep conditioner lets me continue to moisturize my hair while also touching up my color. The perk of it all is the spearmint scent. Makes me feel like I’m temporarily pampering myself at the spa when in reality we all know I don’t have time for that.

Take ✌️: 6 parts honey brown and 2 parts extreme red

While I’m still working on toning down the extreme purple that’s been holding on for dear life from the first mixture I made with the extreme red, the honey brown has become my new go-to when combined with a very limited amount of extreme red to recreate a perfect auburn hue I used to get at the hair salon. Thanks FB algorithms for reading my mind and oVertone for repeatedly releasing videos that gave me the confidence to take a walk on the wild side. I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and it turns out it can be fun. Who knows what I’ll do next? The sky’s the limit!

I think I finally found my color combination
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