21st Century Gal

Failing the #MomOfTheYear Competition

I’m the worst mom on earth. Yep, it’s just that easy. Just ask the teachers and other moms at school who don’t even know who I am when I pick up my son. I’ve been carded in the carpool lane to pick up my own child. You read that right. They asked to see my license before they would let me take my own son home. While I appreciate their diligence in not sending him home with someone he shouldn’t go with, I think that about says it all right there on my mom status.

Who’s walking who here?

We have two boys that have only ever had bottles straight from the fridge. I don’t even own a bottle warmer. You know those cute little decorative protective straps on car seat and stroller straps? Yep, I don’t have those either. Neither of my sons had pacifiers and I’ve totally let each of them get frustrated without rushing in to sooth them right away. I don’t let the boys play with electronic devices usually and I even limit their TV time (gasp).

Not your average iPad

I’ve instilled a rule that we don’t post adorable photos and videos across social media showing the world all the cuteness of our kids. Worst of all, I didn’t feel one ounce of guilt when I went back to work twelve weeks after my first was born and when I was back working (from home) less than a week after my second was born. Well, that last one wasn’t exactly my preference but I made it work so I didn’t lose my new job. By many standards I’m the worst mom ever.

Traveling for a conference and trying to not have mom guilt.

All of that aside, my kids still love me. Their little hearts explode with happiness when I walk in the door after work, cuddle with them when they are sick, and when we experience new things together. They don’t have resentment for all the cold wipes and bottles. They don’t have hostility for when I went back to work. They simply love me with every ounce of their being, so whenever I doubt my decisions I look at those two precious little faces and know that I’ve done what was right for our family.

G creating his egg work of art.

It doesn’t matter what those in the carpool lane think. I’m the proudest loser of the #MomOfTheYear competition because the only important opinion is that of my kids and in their eyes I’m perfect in every way. In the words of the incredibly talented Ellen DeGeneres, “I believe our intention creates our reality.” Set your intention, create your own reality and don’t worry about what others are saying. You’re the best you can be and need to be for those you love!

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