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Are You the Brioche, Pretzel or Plain Bun?

If you thought I was going to let the analogy from the last piece go then you must be new here. I can’t because, well, I love food and we already started this journey so we’re not giving up on it because we’re not quitters. That being said, we know your secret sauce which is step one in your personal branding. Now it’s time to discuss your bun and toppings so we can see the complete entree.

We’ve all seen the flashy ads for burger joints where they show us some fresh off the grill, mouthwatering burger that’s suddenly calling our name after a 30 or 60-second advertisement. Think about that. We made that decision solely based on one of our five senses…unless you’ve got smell-a-vision as an option on your television and if that’s the case then I’m coming over.

I’m here to tell you that YOU are exactly the same as that burger commercial. Forbes recently reminded us that, “within the first seven seconds of meeting, people will have a solid impression of who you are — and some research suggests a tenth of a second is all it takes to start determining traits like trustworthiness.” Although we like to think that people won’t judge us solely on our outward appearance, this fact is indisputably part of our nature.

This is one of the reasons why I’ve often said that if you don’t play an active role in forming your own personal brand then you’re giving others the power to craft it for you. People will come to assumptions based on your physical appearance and the way they see you live and lead in life. Trust me when I say it’s advantageous to be the one crafting your own narrative instead of falling into one that’s been formed without your direct input.

It’s time to consider how you want those that you encounter to see you. Do you aim for that laid back, Silicon Valley, jeans and t-shirt kind of look that makes people wonder if you’re a tech genius or someone who could be lacking drive? Are you putting your best foot forward in a way that is professional, refined, and yet still true to you? It makes a difference when you consider that in just one look a superior, colleague, or even your own team will decide whether you’re someone they will trust.

Remember, when you first approach someone in-person or in a virtual meeting they are seeing you physically first before you have the moment to wow them with all you bring to the table. They aren’t looking at some fancy logo on a resume or business card. In real life, your smile is your logo. Chew on that one for a moment. You don’t need to waste time thinking about a digital logo for your personal branding when you are your own walking advertisement. Your headshot is, essentially, your logo on LinkedIn and other social media profiles employers can find you on.

Everything from your personality and facial expressions to your wardrobe, accessories, personal grooming, and even your posture is relaying a piece of your personal brand to those around you. Consciously taking the time to consider each of these when putting yourself together is a valuable step in your day that shouldn’t be pushed aside. Although we all want to be known and appreciated for our work ethic, skills, and knowledge, we still need to present ourselves in a way that leads to others giving us the opportunity to show those abilities.

Next up, we’ll chat about the final piece in helping you solidify your personal brand. It’s time to start crafting your value proposition into a brand statement and usable elevator pitch.

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