21st Century Gal

____ is Hard

For years I’ve discussed with a friend of mine about how the next generation seems to have trouble adulting. If they have to offer Adulting 101 classes for the next generation then what on earth are those people going to do when they enter the workforce, serious relationships, parenthood, or times of trying to help their aging parents? If a course needs to be offered for how to pay bills, cook an egg or replace a button that fell off a garment then what training is going to be offered for how to handle the really hard stuff this world throws at us? Work is hard. Marriage is hard. Parenthood is hard. Life is hard.

There seems to be this disillusion that things are always so easy. It’s this fairytale ideal that things will always be better in the end. Sometimes that’s just not the case and it’s about time that we fairly let future generations know that. Challenges will fill your journey through life and many times the outcome will be as hoped, but that’s not always true. In those times of struggle, potential sadness, and frustration your true character is put to the test. You will grow. You will learn. You will emerge stronger than you ever thought possible. The hard stuff is where you find out who you truly are.

Once you hit rock bottom, you can only go up from there.

In order to face all that lies ahead, the secret is admitting that life isn’t perfect all the time and it requires hard work to fix things when situations aren’t ideal. Life, just like anything else worth participating in, requires some effort and that’s not a bad thing. Investing yourself is a good great rewarding experience that reminds you why you’re here taking part in life. You often end up surprising yourself and learning you’re stronger than you ever imagined when you face a challenge head on.

If life was a form of exercise it would be CrossFit, Orange Theory Fitness or something along those lines. Things will be hard and you will be challenged. You’ll likely find yourself sweating at some points and possibly as if you’re going to throw up at any moment, but in the end you’ll be rewarded with feelings of accomplishment, strength and self-love. It’s time to embrace all that life throws at us, without rose colored glasses of perfection, and be thankful that we are provided daily opportunities to find those rewarding experiences without being charged the monthly membership fee.

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