If I can’t bring myself to where my heart is then it’s time I bring what I’m passionate about to me. There’s always a reason why I can’t get to dance class or participate in a chance to be on stage again and everyone one of them involves having to make the responsible choice to uphold obligations to my family and my career. If proximation to an opportunity is the limitation, then removing the obstacle is the next step.
I’ve decided to return to what I know by saving up and getting the supplies to make an adequate dance space for myself. My own little slice of home now within my own home. While ballet certainly would be quieter for everyone else in the house and gentler on my body, there’s a part of me that still finds myself looking at tap flooring and dying to break out my shoes again. It’s almost like they are calling my name with each opening of my closet door.

The syncopation of tap has, strangely enough, always brought me peace through its order and equally predictable moments of chaos. Those moments taught me about discipline, balance, strength and confidence. Dance played a big part in turning me into who I am and it looks like I need to return to it to rediscover who I am now. Those moments on the dance floor, when everything else ceases to exist in the world, have always provided me with solitude and the strength to keep pushing forward. I guess it’s how I recharge my battery even though it includes lots of sweat equity and energy to participate.
To my family that shares the house with me, I hope you can learn to embrace the pitter patter and maybe you’ll even find yourself falling in love with it as well. I promise to be considerate when making time for myself to dance and only ask that you be patient with me in return. Trust me, taking this time for myself will only help me invest more of myself into the time I spend with each of you. That being said, it’s time to let the journey home begin!